Monday, January 16, 2012

Marriage Builder Moment (for Wives) Jan. 16, 2012

"A Good Thing"
Come on wives, lets show the husbands what it meant when the Bible says that when he found us and made the decision to marry us that is was a good thing! Your husband only makes wise choices to add to his life and YOU were a good choice! God even give him favor because he married you. Continue to add to that flow of good things into your household. Speak life, respect your husband and love unconditionally and watch the good continue to flow. It's like picking up something for the first time and inquiring, "what is this"? This is what Good is! If your husband was to define "a good thing", would you be a consideration for that definition? Go ahead ladies be that "Good Thing" God created you to be.

Proverbs 18:22 He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the LORD.