Road Traveling
Marriage can sometimes feel like you are traveling on a rocky road, on the rough side of the mountain to a scary town called Unfamiliar in the State of Unhappy Marriage, USA. You look back and can't even see the town of Inexperienced, Expected Bliss you once lived in and somehow left behind unbeknownst to you.
Being patient with your mate while you learn each other, and continuing to grow as a couple is essential to a successful marriage and is very rewarding. Don't quit, keep going and uphold your commitment. Being married doesn't mean that you will only or always stay in a state of Bliss. It does mean that you will have rough times with another imperfect person and you should stay the course together. You will find that in your rough patches God challenges you to grow in so many areas, as individuals and as a couple. You have to take the bad with the good. Although we can't always see the growth on the journey; It develops great character and a testimony.
Stay together long enough for the good times to come back around.
Matthew 13:24-29 Here is another story Jesus told: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a farmer who planted good seed in his field. 25 But that night as the workers slept, his enemy came and planted weeds among the wheat, then slipped away. 26 When the crop began to grow and produce grain, the weeds also grew. 27 “The farmer’s workers went to him and said, ‘Sir, the field where you planted that good seed is full of weeds! Where did they come from?’ 28 “‘An enemy has done this!’ the farmer exclaimed.
“‘Should we pull out the weeds?’ they asked. 29 “‘No,’ he replied, ‘you’ll uproot the wheat if you do. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. Then I will tell the harvesters to sort out the weeds, tie them into bundles, and burn them, and to put the wheat in the barn.’”