Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Marriage Builder Moment (for Wives) Jan. 24, 2012

Those were the days
Esther 2:16 Before each young woman was taken to the king’s bed, she was given the prescribed twelve months of beauty treatments—six months with oil of myrrh, followed by six months with special perfumes and ointments.

Before we became wives, we made sure our hair was taken care of, nails and pedicure were done, makeup was on, we had lotion all over to keep our skin nice and soft, perfumed up all over, our clothes were nice and not tattered, layered perfection for presentation! We would never allow ourselves to be caught without being presentable or desirable. Tell the truth you looked great! Well just because you have found pleasure with the king and he chose to marry you doesn't mean that you stop taking care of yourself. That goes for your spirit, mind, and your body. Keep taking the time to take care of yourself, you only have one body! Tell your husband you are doing it for him, like you did in those days!